- Servicing Guide /
- Part F: Servicing Guide Procedures, Exhibits, and Quick Reference Materials /
- Chapter F-3: Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms /
- https://guide-servicing.fanniemae.com/svc/f-3-03/acronyms-and-glossary-defined-terms-c F-3-03, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: C
F-3-03, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: C (02/12/2025)
Any day in a month, including Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. This term is only used within the context of the Investor Reporting process. (Also see "business day" in this Glossary)
The percentage of calls that are not intercepted by a live operator before being disconnected (pure data with no exclusions for servicer thresholds, service levels, or call blocking).
The percentage of calls that did not connect internally with the servicer due to circuit unavailability or programmatic blockage of calls by the automated call distribution system.
A provision in the mortgage that gives Fannie Mae the right to call the mortgage due and payable at the end of a specified period for whatever reason.
Notification by the mortgage insurer that it has cancelled coverage in connection with a specified mortgage loan as of a specified date due to a breach of one or more provisions of the applicable mortgage guaranty insurance policy.
The addition of certain amounts due under the mortgage loan—such as T&I payments made by the servicer or delinquent interest installments—to the UPB of the mortgage loan, either because the borrower was unable to pay them or the servicer paid them on the borrower’s behalf.
The system used to process P&I remittances for actual/actual remittance type mortgage loans, as well as special remittances for all mortgage loan types.
Liquid assets such as cash, savings, money market funds, or marketable stocks or bonds (excluding retirement accounts).
Notification by the mortgage insurer that a claim will not be paid in connection with a specified mortgage loan due to a breach of one or more provisions of the applicable mortgage guaranty insurance policy (for example, its obligation to produce documents).
A bank account that is used for the temporary deposit of funds until they can be appropriately identified and transferred into a permanent account.
For Fannie Mae’s purposes, this term is used to describe any borrower other than the first borrower whose name appears on the mortgage note, even when that person owns the property jointly with the first borrower (and is jointly and severally liable for the note).
unit in a cooperative project
A Community Land Trust Ground Lease Rider, on either Fannie Mae Form 2100 or the Freddie Mac equivalent form, signed by the borrower and lessor, and recorded in the land records, is required for leasehold mortgages secured by properties held under a community land trust ground lease meeting Fannie Mae standards.
A fee Fannie Mae charges as compensation for damages that may be incurred as the result of a seller/servicer’s failure to comply with a specific policy or procedure or to emphasize the importance Fannie Mae places on a particular aspect of the seller/servicer’s performance.
An exchange of mortgage loans of like terms and quality between Fannie Mae and another seller.
A mortgage loan that is part of a participation pool that was created as a result of a concurrent mortgage loan sale.
Depending on context, may refer to a determination that a building is not fit for use or is dangerous and must be destroyed, or the taking of private property for a public purpose through an exercise of the right of eminent domain.
unit in a condominium project
A conventional mortgage loan that had an origination-date principal balance not exceeding the current Fannie Mae loan limit. (“Current” refers to when Fannie Mae purchased or securitized the mortgage.) If a mortgage was originated prior to the current year, the loan limit that was in effect on the origination date is disregarded.
The payment required of the borrower in accordance with (or under) the promissory note and security instrument. The borrower's monthly contractual payment includes any required monthly escrow payment.
A residential or mixed-use building wherein a corporation or trust holds title to the property and sells shares of stock representing the value of a single apartment unit to individuals who, in turn, receive a proprietary lease as evidence of title.
Consumer Price Index
Condo Project Manager
See bankruptcy cramdown.
When used by Fannie Mae, the classic FICO score developed by Fair Isaac Corporation.
Collateral Underwriter
Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures
A bank account that a seller/servicer must establish to hold the funds of others—the borrower and Fannie Mae—as opposed to any account established to hold the seller/servicer’s corporate funds.
The original mortgage note, and, in some cases, the original MI or loan guaranty certificate, and, if the mortgage has been modified, the modification agreement.

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Part A Doing Business with Fannie Mae
Subpart A1, Contractual Obligations
- Chapter A1-1, Understanding the Lender Contract
- Chapter A1-2, Termination of the Lender Contract without Cause
Chapter A1-3, Repurchases, Indemnifications, and Make Whole Payment Requests
- A1-3-01, Requirements for Voluntary Repurchase
- A1-3-02, Fannie Mae-Initiated Repurchases, Indemnifications, Make Whole Payment Requests and Deferred Payment Obligations
- A1-3-03, Repurchase Obligations Related to Bifurcated Mortgage Loans
- A1-3-04, Reporting the Repurchase
- A1-3-05, Redelivering a Mortgage Loan
- A1-3-06, Automatic Reclassification of MBS Mortgage Loans
- Chapter A1-4, Breach of Contract and Nonperformance
Subpart A2, Getting Started with Fannie Mae
Chapter A2-1, Servicer Duties and Responsibilities
- A2-1-01, General Servicer Duties and Responsibilities
- A2-1-02, Servicer’s Duties and Responsibilities Related to MBS Mortgage Loans
- A2-1-03, Servicer's Duties and Responsibilities Related to Mortgage Loans with Resale Restrictions or Shared Equity Transactions
- A2-1-04, Execution of Legal Documents
- A2-1-05, Note Holder Status for Legal Proceedings Conducted in the Servicer’s Name
- A2-1-06, Use of Fannie Mae Trademarks
- A2-1-07, Subservicing
- A2-1-08, First Lien Mortgage Loan Requirements
- A2-1-09, Compliance with Requirements and Laws
- Chapter A2-2, Refinance and Lending Practices
- Chapter A2-3, Servicer Compensation
- Chapter A2-4, Fannie Mae’s Quality Control Review
- Chapter A2-5, Individual Mortgage Loan Files and Records
- Chapter A2-6, Custodial Documents
- Chapter A2-7, Servicing Transfers
- Chapter A2-8, Mortgage Electronic Registration System
- Chapter A2-9, Mortgage Assignments to Fannie Mae
Chapter A2-1, Servicer Duties and Responsibilities
- Subpart A3, Maintaining Fannie Mae Seller/Servicer Status
Subpart A4, Setting Up Servicer Operations
- Chapter A4-1, Establishing and Implementing Internal Operations for All Mortgage Loans and Acquired Properties
Chapter A4-2, Requirements for Delinquent Mortgage Loans and Mortgage Loans at Risk of Default
Section A4-2.1, Establishing Default Management Strategies
- A4-2.1-01, Preventing Defaults and Managing Delinquencies
- A4-2.1-02, Property Inspection Vendor Management and Oversight
- A4-2.1-03, Managing Short Sales
- A4-2.1-04, Establishing Contact with the Borrower
- A4-2.1-05, Requirements for Collection and Foreclosure Prevention Strategies Unique to Second Lien Mortgage Loans
- A4-2.1-06, Adverse Action Notification Certification
- A4-2.1-07, Servicer's Duties and Responsibilities Related to Mortgage Loans with an Outstanding Non-Interest-Bearing Balance
- Section A4-2.2, Requirements for Default-Related Law Firms
Section A4-2.1, Establishing Default Management Strategies
Subpart A1, Contractual Obligations
Part B Escrow, Taxes, Assessments, and Insurance
- Chapter B-1, Escrow Account Administration
Chapter B-2, Property Insurance Requirements
- B-2-01, Property Insurance Requirements Applicable to All Property Types
- B-2-02, Property Insurance Requirements for One- to Four-Unit Properties
- B-2-03, Master Property Insurance Requirements for Project Developments
- B-2-04, Individual Property Insurance Requirements for Units in Project Developments
- Chapter B-3, Flood Insurance Requirements
- Chapter B-4, Additional Insurance Requirements
- Chapter B-5, Property and Flood Insurance Loss Events and Claim Settlements
- Chapter B-6, Lender-Placed Insurance
- Chapter B-7, Liability and Fidelity/Crime Insurance Requirements for Project Developments
- Chapter B-8, Mortgage Insurance
Part C Mortgage Loan Payment Processing, Remitting, Accounting, and Reporting
Chapter C-1, Processing Mortgage Loan Payments
Section C-1.1, Processing Scheduled Mortgage Loan Payments
- C-1.1-01, Servicer Responsibilities for Processing Mortgage Loan Payments
- C-1.1-02, Processing Payment Shortages or Funds Received When a Mortgage Loan Modification Is Pending
- C-1.1-03, Automatically Drafting Payments from the Borrower’s Bank Account
- C-1.1-04, Accepting Biweekly Payments from Third-Party Payment Contractors
- Section C-1.2, Processing Unscheduled Mortgage Loan Payments
Section C-1.1, Processing Scheduled Mortgage Loan Payments
- Chapter C-2, Servicing ARM Loans
- Chapter C-3, Remitting and Accounting
- Chapter C-4, Reporting
Chapter C-1, Processing Mortgage Loan Payments
Part D Providing Solutions to a Borrower
Subpart D1, Assisting the Borrower with Property-Related Issues and Legal Actions
- Chapter D1-1, Requests for the Release of Property and/or Charge-Off of a Mortgage Loan
- Chapter D1-2, Servicing Renovation Mortgage Loans
- Chapter D1-3, Providing Assistance to a Borrower Impacted by a Disaster Event
Chapter D1-4, Transfers of Ownership
Section D1-4.1, Information Relating to Transfers of Ownership Applicable to All Mortgage Loans
- D1-4.1-01, Determining Whether a Transfer of Ownership Is Permitted
- D1-4.1-02, Allowable Exemptions Due to the Type of Transfer
- D1-4.1-03, Allowable Exceptions Due to State Law Restrictions (“Window-Period” Mortgage Loans)
- D1-4.1-04, Transfers of Ownership by Grant Deed
- D1-4.1-05, Enforcing the Due-on-Sale (or Due-on-Transfer) Provision
- Section D1-4.2, Information Relating to Transfers of Ownership on Conventional Mortgage Loans
- Section D1-4.3, Information Relating to Transfers of Ownership on Government Mortgage Loans
Section D1-4.1, Information Relating to Transfers of Ownership Applicable to All Mortgage Loans
- Chapter D1-5, Call Provision Enforcement
- Chapter D1-6, Addressing Notices of Liens, Legal Action, Property Forfeitures or Seizures, or Other Actions
Subpart D2, Assisting a Borrower Who is Facing Default or in Default
- Chapter D2-1, Working with a Borrower Who is Facing Default
Chapter D2-2, Requirements for Contacting a Borrower
- D2-2-01, Achieving Quality Right Party Contact with a Borrower
- D2-2-02, Outbound Contact Attempt Requirements
- D2-2-03, Sending a Payment Reminder Notice
- D2-2-04, Sending a Borrower a Solicitation Package for a Workout Option
- D2-2-05, Receiving a Borrower Response Package
- D2-2-06, Sending a Breach or Acceleration Letter
- D2-2-07, Resolving an Appeal of a Mortgage Loan Modification Trial Period Plan Denial for a Principal Residence
- D2-2-08, Interviewing Face-to-Face with a Borrower for Certain FHA and HUD Mortgage Loans
- D2-2-09, Additional Borrower Contact Requirements for the Servicer of a Second Lien Mortgage Loan
- D2-2-10, Requirements for Performing Property Inspections
Chapter D2-3, Fannie Mae’s Home Retention and Liquidation Workout Options
Section D2-3.1, Preparing to Implement a Home Retention or Liquidation Workout Option
- D2-3.1-01, Determining the Appropriate Workout Option
- D2-3.1-02, Conditions of a First and Second Lien Mortgage Loan Modification for an MBS Mortgage Loan
- D2-3.1-03, Working with a Borrower that has a Group Home Mortgage Loan
- D2-3.1-04, Offering a Workout Option When Also Servicing a Subordinate Lien Mortgage Loan
- D2-3.1-05, Interacting with Mortgage Assistance Fund Program Providers
- D2-3.1-06, Notifying Fannie Mae of Lead-Based Paint Citations
- Section D2-3.2, Home Retention Workout Options
- Section D2-3.3, Home Liquidation Workout Options
- Section D2-3.4, Other Workout Options to Assist a Borrower
Section D2-3.1, Preparing to Implement a Home Retention or Liquidation Workout Option
- Chapter D2-4, Reporting Delinquent Mortgage Loans and Workout Options
Subpart D1, Assisting the Borrower with Property-Related Issues and Legal Actions
Part E Default-Related Legal Services, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Proceedings, and Acquired Properties
Chapter E-1, Referring Default-Related Legal Matters and Non-Routine Litigation to Law Firms
- Section E-1.1, Referring a Mortgage Loan to a Law Firm
Section E-1.2, Timing of the Referral to a Law Firm
- E-1.2-01, Timing of the Bankruptcy Referral
- E-1.2-02, Timing of the Foreclosure Referral for Mortgage Loans Generally
- E-1.2-03, Timing of the Foreclosure Referral for Second Lien Conventional Mortgage Loans Not Secured by a Principal Residence
- E-1.2-04, Timing of the Foreclosure Referral for Government Mortgage Loans
- Section E-1.3, Handling Non-Routine Litigation
Chapter E-2, Managing Bankruptcy Proceedings
Section E-2.1, Bankruptcy Proceedings in General
- E-2.1-01, General Servicing Requirements for Mortgage Loans Under Bankruptcy Protection
- E-2.1-02, Confirming Bankruptcy Information
- E-2.1-03, Suspending Debt Collection Efforts
- E-2.1-04, Expected Servicer/Attorney Interaction During Bankruptcy Proceedings
- E-2.1-05, Filing a Notice of Appearance and Sending Proper Notices
- E-2.1-06, Reviewing Bankruptcy Reorganization Plans
- E-2.1-07, Preparing and Filing a Proof of Claim
- E-2.1-08, Monitoring Borrower Payments and Critical Dates
- E-2.1-09, Identifying Workout Opportunities
- E-2.1-10, Dealing with Delays in the Bankruptcy Process
- E-2.1-11, Remitting P&I for MBS Mortgage Loans That Are Part of a Bankruptcy
- Section E-2.2, Managing Bankruptcies by Chapter
Section E-2.3, Servicing Special Circumstance Bankruptcies
- E-2.3-01, Identifying Abusive Filers
- E-2.3-02, Addressing Individuals with Fractional Interests in a Security Property
- E-2.3-03, Handling Cramdowns of the Mortgage Debt
- E-2.3-04, Bankruptcies Involving Mortgage Loans Secured by Investment Properties
- E-2.3-05, Bankruptcies Involving Multiple Fannie Mae Mortgage Loans
- E-2.3-06, Responding to Bankruptcies Identified After Foreclosure Sale
- E-2.3-07, Cross-Border Insolvency Proceedings
Section E-2.1, Bankruptcy Proceedings in General
Chapter E-3, Managing Foreclosure Proceedings
- Section E-3.1, Foreclosure Proceedings in General
Section E-3.2, Initiating and Processing Foreclosure Proceedings
- E-3.2-01, Conducting Prereferral Review
- E-3.2-02, Initiating Foreclosure Proceedings on a First Lien Conventional Mortgage Loan
- E-3.2-03, Initiating Foreclosure Proceedings on a Second Lien Conventional Mortgage Loan
- E-3.2-04, Postponing Foreclosure Referral for Mortgage Loans Not Secured by a Principal Residence
- E-3.2-05, Expected Servicer/Attorney Interaction During Foreclosure Proceedings
- E-3.2-06, Conducting Borrower Outreach During Foreclosure
- E-3.2-07, Impact of Engagement with a Mortgage Assistance Fund Program Provider
- E-3.2-08, Processing Reinstatements During Foreclosure
- E-3.2-09, Conducting Foreclosure Proceedings
- E-3.2-10, Paying Certain Expenses During the Foreclosure Process
- E-3.2-11, Collecting Under an Assignment of Rents
- E-3.2-12, Performing Property Preservation During Foreclosure Proceedings
- E-3.2-13, Addressing Title Defects Generally
- E-3.2-14, Addressing Title Defects for Bifurcated Mortgage Loans
- E-3.2-15, Allowable Time Frames for Completing Foreclosure
Section E-3.3, Preparing for the Foreclosure Sale
- E-3.3-01, Completing Preforeclosure Sale Review
- E-3.3-02, Certifying the Status of Workout Negotiations Prior to Foreclosure Sale
- E-3.3-03, Inspecting Properties Prior to Foreclosure Sale
- E-3.3-04, Marketing the Foreclosure Sale and Using Foreclosure Auction Services
- E-3.3-05, Issuing Bidding Instructions
- E-3.3-06, Handling a Suspension or Reduction of the Redemption Period
- E-3.3-07, Pursuing a Deficiency Judgment
- Section E-3.4, When Foreclosure Proceedings Must Be Suspended or Canceled
- Section E-3.5, Servicer Responsibilities Following the Foreclosure Sale
Chapter E-4, Managing Acquired Properties
- Section E-4.1, Notifying Fannie Mae of Property Acquisitions
- Section E-4.2, Conveying Title to an Acquired Property
- Section E-4.3, Preserving and Managing Properties
Section E-4.4, Property and Flood Insurance Coverage Requirements
- E-4.4-01, Continuing or Canceling Property Insurance Coverage
- E-4.4-02, Remitting Property Insurance Settlement Proceeds or Unearned Premium Refunds
- E-4.4-03, Canceling Flood Insurance Coverage for Acquired Properties
- E-4.4-04, Remitting Flood Insurance Settlement Proceeds or Unearned Premium Refunds
Section E-4.5, Filing MI Claims for Liquidated Properties
- E-4.5-01, Filing MI Claims for Conventional Mortgage Loans or for Other Mortgage Loans for which Fannie Mae Bears the Risk of Loss
- E-4.5-02, Filing MI Claims for FHA Mortgage Loans
- E-4.5-03, Filing MI Claims for FHA Coinsured Mortgage Loans
- E-4.5-04, Filing MI Claims for FHA Title I Loans
- E-4.5-05, Filing MI Claims for HUD Section 184 Mortgage Loans
- E-4.5-06, Filing MI Claims for VA Mortgage Loans
- E-4.5-07, Filing MI Claims for RD Mortgage Loans
Chapter E-5, Requesting Reimbursement for Expenses Associated with Default-Related Legal Matters
- E-5-01, Requesting Reimbursement for Expenses
- E-5-02, Servicer Responsibilities Prior to Requesting Reimbursement of Attorney Fees and Costs
- E-5-03, Allowable Bankruptcy Fees
- E-5-04, Allowable Foreclosure Fees
- E-5-05, Reimbursing Law Firms/Reimbursement of Uncollected Fees, Costs or Advances
- E-5-06, Technology Fees and Electronic Invoicing
- E-5-07, Other Reimbursable Default-Related Legal Expenses
Chapter E-1, Referring Default-Related Legal Matters and Non-Routine Litigation to Law Firms
Part F Servicing Guide Procedures, Exhibits, and Quick Reference Materials
Chapter F-1, Servicing Guide Procedures
- F-1-01, Servicing ARM Loans
- F-1-02, Escrow, Taxes, Assessments, and Insurance
- F-1-03, Establishing and Implementing Custodial Accounts
- F-1-04, Evaluating a Request for the Release, or Partial Release, of Property Securing a Mortgage Loan
- F-1-05, Expense Reimbursement
- F-1-06, Filing an MI Claim for a Liquidated Mortgage Loan or Acquired Property
- F-1-07, Handling Property Forfeitures and Seizures
- F-1-08, Managing Foreclosure Proceedings
- F-1-09, Processing Mortgage Loan Payments and Payoffs
- F-1-10, Obtaining and Executing Legal Documents
- F-1-11, Post-Delivery Servicing Transfers
- F-1-12, Preparing to Implement a Workout Option
- F-1-13, Processing a Fannie Mae Mortgage Release (Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure)
- F-1-14, Processing a Fannie Mae Short Sale
- F-1-15, Processing a Government Mortgage Loan Modification
- F-1-16, Processing a Repayment Plan
- F-1-17, Processing a Transfer of Ownership
- F-1-18, Processing a Workout Incentive Fee
- F-1-19, Processing a Military Indulgence
- F-1-20, Remitting and Accounting to Fannie Mae
- F-1-21, Reporting a Delinquent Mortgage Loan via Fannie Mae’s Servicing Solutions System
- F-1-22, Reporting a Workout Option via Fannie Mae’s Servicing Solutions System
- F-1-23, Reporting to Third Parties
- F-1-24, Requesting Fannie Mae’s Approval via Fannie Mae’s Servicing Solutions System
- F-1-25, Reclassifying or Voluntary Repurchasing an MBS Mortgage Loan
- F-1-26, Servicing eMortgages
- F-1-27, Processing a Fannie Mae Flex Modification
- F-1-28, Reviewing a Transfer of Ownership for Credit and Financial Capacity
Chapter F-2, Exhibits
- F-2-01, Bankruptcy Referral and Completion Timelines
- F-2-02, Incentive Fees for Workout Options
- F-2-03, Compensatory Fee Calculation Examples
- F-2-04, Firm Minimum Requirements
- F-2-05, Historical Yield Differential Adjustment Provisions
- F-2-06, Mortgage Insurer Delegations for Workout Options
- F-2-07, Reporting the Principal Amount for Mortgage Loans with Principal Forbearance
- F-2-08, Servicing Fees for MBS Mortgage Loans
- F-2-09, Servicing Fees for Portfolio Mortgage Loans
- F-2-10, Fannie Mae’s Workout Hierarchy
Chapter F-3, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms
- F-3-01, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: A
- F-3-02, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: B
- F-3-03, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: C
- F-3-04, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: D
- F-3-05, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: E
- F-3-06, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: F
- F-3-07, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: G
- F-3-08, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: H
- F-3-09, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: I
- F-3-10, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: J
- F-3-11, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: K
- F-3-12, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: L
- F-3-13, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: M
- F-3-14, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: N
- F-3-15, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: O
- F-3-16, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: P
- F-3-17, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: Q
- F-3-18, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: R
- F-3-19, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: S
- F-3-20, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: T
- F-3-21, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: U
- F-3-22, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: V
- F-3-23, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: W
- F-3-24, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: X
- F-3-25, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: Y
- F-3-26, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: Z
- Chapter F-4, Servicing Guide Resources
Chapter F-1, Servicing Guide Procedures